In this free guide I share my what my
favorite toymaking supplies are
and where I like to buy them!
Get it now and start gathering what you need to
make beautiful, natural toys for your child!
Affordable Waldorf Toys
Toymaking Magic is THE place to learn how to make affordable Waldorf-inspired toys for your child!
ALL the crafts
You will enjoy gaining new skills in sewing, needle felting, wet felting, knitting, crochet, woodwork, and more. The tutorials are detailed and lengthy so you can confidently craft along.
Perfect for Beginners
"I’ve always wanted to get into handcrafts but have felt so intimidated. You make the most beautiful creations feel attainable." - Maggie
Watch a few videos from inside Toymaking Magic!
If buying Waldorf toys for your child has felt inaccessible, you are going to LOVE being able to make beautiful, inspiring toys for your child's creative play!
For a fraction of the cost, you can make your own open-ended, creative toys made from natural materials.
Your child will feel deeply loved as they watch you making toys for them. Even if it turns out imperfect in your eyes, to your child it will be pure magic.