Needle Felted Matchbox

Needle Felted Matchbox Cover

This project is suitable for children ages 7+ under close parental supervision, as it is possible to injure oneself with the felting needle.

Remind your child to keep their fingers far away from the needle while felting.


In this tutorial, my sons and I show you how to make a needle felted matchbox cover!

It’s a beautiful handmade gift that you can make for loved ones.

We love stars, suns and candle designs for this project but you can make any design that lights you up!


  • 38 gauge triangle point felting needle
  • felting pad
  • scissors
  • chalk or pencil
  • craft glue


  • a matchbox
  • 1 small piece of wool felt
  • wool batting in various colors*
* I love to buy wool batting from Living Felt ( I am not an affiliate).

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