
Toymaking Magic Horse Pattern

Join the Horse Sew-Along!

Sew-along dates: April 1-30

Make a horse alongside others from around the world!

It's free for Premium members!

Watch the Materials videos to see what you'll need!

Horse Sewalong Group image

Where will the sew-along take place?

Right here inside the Toymaking Magic platform! I have created a private social network that looks a lot like FB but is not FB.

Everyone will be sharing pics of their progress as they work on their horse and there will be prizes!

I will be actively responding to any questions that you post and cheering on your progress!


Join the Horse Sew-Along and make a beautiful toy horse alongside others from around the world!

New videos are being released every few days. There is not a set schedule for when each new video will be released.

The Horse was made to go along with all the other Farm Animals! It also pairs sweetly with the Dollhouse Dolls!



* You will need two 8x12" sheets of felt in a body color (it is possible to squeeze it out of just one sheet with careful placement IF you print the pattern out at a slightly smaller scale.) and a small piece of felt in a hoof color.

** 1.5 oz (40g) of wool stuffing is needed



What to Make Next

Farm Animals

More Farm Animals

Dollhouse Dolls